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Author:Rajab, A.
Title:Can Zanzibar go it alone
Journal:African Business
1995 : SEP, 202, p. 8-10
Index terms:ZANZIBAR
Abstract:Tanzania's first multiparty elections in October will be held against a backdrop of corruption, financial scandals and a murky political atmosphere, especially in Zanzibar. Adding to this messy backdrop is the tussle between Tanganyika (the mainland) and Zanzibar. Tanzania's ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) faces serious challengers - in the form of the Civic United Front (CUF) in Zanzibar, and the National Convention for Construction and Reform (NCCR-Mageuzi) on the mainland. The CCM's chances in Zanzibar are considered slim. CUF claims to have the support of at least 60% of the isles' 750,000 population and expects the race for the isles' Presidency to be a walkover for its Vice-Chairman, Seif Sharif Hamadi, crushing the CCM incumbent, Dr Salmin Amour.
SCIMA record nr: 138383
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