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Author:Hanson, B.
Title:Systems Theory and the Spirit of Feminism: Grounds for a Connection
Journal:Systems Research and Behavioral Science
2001 : NOV-DEC, VOL. 18:6, p. 545-556
Abstract:General systems theory is compatible with the spirit of feminist thought. The unnecessary association of systems theory with hierarchy and status quo-oriented proponents has formed a limited impression of what it can offer to feminisms. Looking at a fuller range of systems-oriented work shows up that, like feminisms, systems theory has been radical in its rejection of traditional ways of analytic thinking. This paper looks at two central feminist ideas, sexuality and equality, as a spirit of feminism to forge a link between feminisms and systems theory. This shows up several areas of common ground between feminisms and a general systems theory approach to the benefit of both. The idea that action and inaction and equally causal derives from cybernetics and echoes a cell to action for social change in feminisms.
SCIMA record nr: 235708
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