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Author:Theoharakis, V.
Hooley, G.
Title:Customer orientation and innovativeness: Differing roles in new and old empire.
Journal:International Journal of Research in Marketing
2008 : MAR, VOL. 25:1 p. 69-79
Index terms:emerging markets
sustainable development
competitive advantage
Abstract:In this paper the authors show that, contrary to previous study by Burgess and Steenkamp [Burgess, S.M. and Steenkamp, J. (2006) Marketing renaissance: How research in emerging markets advances marketing science and practice.] marketing knowledge does not derive almost exclusively from research done in high income industrialized countries. The authors suggest that in addition the generalizability of marketing knowledge should also be tested in emerging markets. The authors demonstrate that there is differences in how returns on customer orientation and organizational innovativeness play out in New versus Old Europe. The findings indicate that customer focus is as significant in New Europe as in Old Europe countries if not even more significant. However organizational innovativeness is found to be more significant in a New European country to drive customer service and financial performance.
SCIMA record nr: 266800
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