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Author:Valentini, C.
Title:Personalised networks of influence in public relations. Strategic resources for achieving successful professional outcomes
Journal:Journal of communication management
2010 : VOL. 14:2, p. 153-166
Index terms:social values
public relations
Freeterms:social groups
Abstract:The purpose of the article is to examine Italian PR practitioners' opinions on whether or not personalised networks of influence (here as: p.n.i) are perceived to be one of the main strategic resources and the degree of relevance they give to such networks. P.n.i. are also tested with Italian jorunalists. The fidings suggest no statistical difference between PR practitioners and journalists. They didn't perceive the importance of having p.n.i. differently with regard to their professional activities. For career advancement, the interviewees valued more significantly having strong professional skills than personalised networks.
SCIMA record nr: 270198
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