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Author:Rohlfs, K.V.
Kimes, S.E.
Title:Customers' perceptions of best available hotel rates
Journal:Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly
2007 : MAY, VOL. 48:2, p. 151-162
Index terms:hotel and catering industry
consumer attitudes
Abstract:Based on a study of over 150 travelers in three U.S. airports (that is, Dallas, Pittsburgh, and Ithaca), it is found that respondents (here as: resps.) held a generally negative view of hotel companies' pricing (as: prcg.) policies. It was asked specifically about resps.' reaction to best available rate prcg., as compared to the common practice of quoting a single rate for a multiple-night stay. Compared to the single-rate policy, resps. judged that being charged the lowest possible rate for each night is more fair, more acceptable, more reasonable etc. even if the room rate changes from night to night. Especially, infrequent travelers judged best rate prcg. most favourably. In contrast, frequent travelers were essentially indifferent to the two prcg. approaches.
SCIMA record nr: 263542
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