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Author:Reid, E.M.
Toffel, M.W.
Title:Responding to public and private politics: corporate disclosure of climate change strategies
Journal:Strategic Management Journal
2009 : NOV, VOL. 30:11, p. 1157-1178
Index terms:environment
sustainable development
Freeterms:disclosure of information
Abstract:Due to challenges set by the climate change, governments, citizens, and firms are required to work cooperatively in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This task will require information on companies' carbon risks, emission levels, strategies, and opportunities. This paper deals with the conditions under which firms take part in this effort. It is hypothesized that shareholder actions and regulatory threats are likely to set up firms to adopt practices consistent with the aims of a broader social movement. Empirical evidence of direct and spillover effects is found. The findings of this study extend existing theory by showing, among others, that both activist groups and government actors can encourage changes in organizational practices.
SCIMA record nr: 271986
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