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Author:Ghosh, S.
Kanbur, R.
Title:Male wages and female welfare: Private markets, public goods, and intrahousehold inequality
Journal:Oxford Economic Papers
2008 : JAN, VOL. 60:1, p. 42-56
Index terms:household economics
Abstract:It is shown how an apparently welfare improving phenomenon like an increase in the wage of the male (here as: m.) member of a family can result in a seemingly paradoxical result where the entire family is worse off. There is m. and female (here as: f.) specialization in activities (as: actvts.) such that the f. member is involved in a community (as: c-y.) level public good (as: p-g). A rise in the m. wage leads to adjustment of household (as: h-h.) time allocation with the m. working more in the market and less on h-h. actvts. In turn, the f. works more on h-h. actvts. and less on the c-y. p-g., failing to internalize the negative externality imposed on other c-y. members.
SCIMA record nr: 268109
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