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Author:Woodfield, S.
Kennie, T.
Title:'Teamwork' or 'Working as a Team?' The theory and practice of top team working in UK higher education
Journal:Higher education quarterly
2008 : OCT, VOL. 62:4, p. 397-415
Index terms:United Kingdom
higher education
team work
Abstract:This article deals with the theory and practice of teamwork in 'top management teams' (hereafter as: t-m-ts.) in U.K. higher education (here as: h-e.) institutions (as: insts). Presented are some key findings from a recent 2-year research project sponsored by the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education examining the different ways in which U.K. h-e. insts. organize their 'top management' and 'senior management' structures (Kennie and Woodfield, 2008). Discussed is the literature from the corporate and h-e. sectors on the meaning of 'teamwork' in t-m-ts. The findings to the challenges of t-m-ts. working in h-e. settings are refered. It is concluded that the challenges of t-m-ts. working in h-e. settings are similar to those found in the corporate sector etc.
SCIMA record nr: 268422
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