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Author:Statler, M.
Jacobs, C.D.
Roos, J.
Title:Performing strategy - Analogical reasoning as strategic practice
Journal:Scandinavian Journal of Management
2008 : JUN, VOL. 24:2, p. 133-144
Index terms:theories
Abstract:In this paper, existing theory of analogical reasoning (henceforth as: a-r.) is extended by drawing on the concept of practice as it has been developed by strategy-as-practice (here as: s-as-p.) researchers. Especially, it is suggested that in addition to cognition, a-r. involves social structuration and embodied performance. The emerging field of s-as-p. research is provided by re-framing a-r. as a strategic practice with a new analytical lens through which to view the micro-level activities associated with strategizing. Included is an empirical case to illustrate the suggested contribution to theory.
SCIMA record nr: 269203
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