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Author:Song, Yuanming
Title:My ideas of there form of State-owned foreign trade enterprises and the policies to promote exports of enterprises (original in Chinese)
Journal:International Trade Journal (c)
1999 : 4, p.9-13
Index terms:EXPORTS
Abstract:The reform of foreign trade enterprises in China focuses on setting up the institutions of modern enterprise, implementing the responsibility system in management of assets. They should pay attention to both earning foreign exchange and efficiency, actively take part in competitions in markets. Among them, a number of comprehensive conglomerates-they have foreign trade companies as locomotives and integrate trade, industry, agriculture, technology and commerce-come into existence on different levels. Loose financial policies will create a good environment for their exports. We should promote investments abroad and encourage Chinese companies to begin enterprises abroad. The government should regulate them on the macro-level and guide the development of export and import in balance.
SCIMA record nr: 201376
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