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Author:Karousakis, K.
Birol, E.
Title:Investigating household preferences for kerbside recycling services in London: A choice experiment approach
Journal:Journal of Environmental Management
2008 : SEP, VOL. 88:4, p. 1099-1108
Index terms:recycling waste materials
household economics
United Kingdom
Freeterms:choice experiment
Abstract:Recent national and European Union (EU) waste management (here as: w-mgmt.) policy development has set off remarkable interest in alternative w-mgmt. programs, like recycling. In the paper, examined are household preferences for kerbside recycling services using a stated preference choice experiment method to estimate households' valuation. Based on a sample of over 180 households in the London area, the empirical analysis brings forth estimates of the willingness to pay (WTP) for the number of 'dry' materials collected, the collection (as: colln.) of compost, textile colln. and the colln. frequency.
SCIMA record nr: 268372
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