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Author:Johnson, J.
Graedel, T.E.
Title:The "hidden" trade of metals in the United States
Journal:Journal of industrial ecology
2008 : OCT/DEC, VOL. 12:5/6, p. 739-753
Index terms:metals industry
recycling waste materials
Abstract:It is demonstrated by a comprehensive analysis for the United States for copper, lead, zinc, chromium, and silver, in which all trade flows are included that metal in traded products (MTP) flows can often be a large factor in determining the a country's import/export dependence, accounting for between 13%(zinc) and 57%(silver) of traded metal in all forms. The study created a methodology to calculate the end user net import reliance, which is the net import of metal into end use by consumers. This calulation showed a higher reliance on imports than calculations that solely examine ore, concentrate and redefined metals for all five metals.
SCIMA record nr: 271959
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