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Author:Bauer, H. H.
Fischer, M.
McInturff, Y.
Title:Der Bilkommunikationseffekt - eine Metaanalyse
Journal:Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung
1999 : VOL. 51:9, p. 805-831
Abstract:The importance of pictures in all modern types of communica- tion is still growing. It is often argued that pictures have a particular effect on behavior. The low effort adoption, processing and storage of information support this hypothe- sis. Furthermore, pictures favor the transportation of emo- tions. Therefore, the often cited pictorial superiority is not astonishing. The particular effect of pictures has been an issue of empirical research in the social sciences since the early 1960s. A large body of knowledge from studies with different aims and experimental conditions has accumulated by now. This paper integrates for the first time the mani- fold of empirical findings concerning the picture effect and contributes to its empirical generalization. For this pur- pose we apply advanced methods of meta-analytic research.
SCIMA record nr: 200008
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