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Author:Fitzpatrick, D.
Title:Searle and Collective Intentionality: The Self-Defeating Nature of Internalism with Respect to Social Facts
Journal:American Journal of Economics and Sociology
2003 : JAN, VOL. 62:1, p. 45-66
Abstract:Several key elements go into Searle's construction of social reality, namely, collective intentionality, constitutive rules, and status functions. But by far the most important and arguably contentious of these is collective intentionality. At least part of what is really a stake is Searle's internalism or, as he puts it, his "brain a vat condition." The author's strategy will be to examine his internalism and show that Searle's account is far more radical than other internalists in that he extends internalism beyond its usual domain of the mental to incorporate social facts. The author will show that Searle's account of collective intentionality introduces an element of privacy to social facts that denies us the public access to the conditions on the basis of which we normally take collective facts to obtain.
SCIMA record nr: 248179
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