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Author:Simms, M.
Title:On linking business ethics, bioethics and bioterrorism
Journal:Journal of Business Ethics
2004 : MAY, VOL. 51:2, p. 211-220
Index terms:Business ethics
Abstract:The 20th century produced great advances in biomedicine with the 1990s introducing 148.000 patents as part of the mapping and sequencing of the human genome. With the events of September 11, the focus has shifted to bioterrorism, an international and global concern. This paper explores the relationship of events and its meaning for business. Part I provides the background of biotechnology and bioterrorism and how the two form a dialectic reality that shapes ethical debate. Part II presents provocations and questions for an emerging ethic based on the integrative response from the public health, medical, business and religious communities. Four areas for business contribution in shaping emerging ethics in the age of biotechnology-bioterrorism are suggested.
SCIMA record nr: 255293
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