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Author:Ketola, T.
Title:Responsible leadership: Building blocks of individual, organizational and societal behavior
Journal:Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental management
2010 : MAY-JUN, VOL. 17:3, p. 173-184
Index terms:leadership
corporate responsibility
social responsibility
Abstract:This paper aims at adapting Erik Erikson's model to individually, organizationally and societally responsible (henceforth as: resp.) leadership, integrating them in order to achieve the best results. Once working toward a resp. leader's identity, there are six areas of difficulty to be resolved: 1. value basis, 2. self-image vs. external image, 3. time perspective, 4. role experimentation, 5. anticipation of achievement, and 6. leader-follower relation.
Responsibility and irresponsibility are contagious. Individuals, organizations and societies boost or repress resp. behaviour (herein as: beh.) as inspiring leaders pull others to higher ethical levels of beh. while greedy leaders push others back to lower levels of beh. Be a responsible leader: care and dare.
SCIMA record nr: 274639
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