search query: @indexterm taxation / total: 1872
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Author:Lu, Linping
Title:Choosing fiscal and tax policies under the current economic situation in China (original in Chinese)
Journal:Research on Financial and Economic Problems (c)
1999 : 3, p.45-48
Index terms:TAXATION
Abstract:Under the circumstance of insufficient domestic demand and slump economy, the government has adopted a series of monetary policies but without evident results. Therefore, fiscal policies, which have been neglected for a long time, have been put forward in succession to stimulate economy. Fiscal policies at this stage bear distinct Chinese characteristics. That is to say, while increase government expenditures, taxes are not reduced. Instead, charges are cleared up and taxes are established. In this way, taxes will increase rather than decrease. These policies are different from expansionary fiscal policies in economics, namely increasing expenditure and reducing taxes. However, they will also get the results of expansionary fiscal policies, namely increasing expenditure and alleviating economic subjects' burdens.
SCIMA record nr: 197415
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