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Author:Selsky, J.W.
Goes, J.
Baburoglu, O.N.
Title:Contrasting perspectives of strategy making: Applications in 'hyper' environments
Journal:Organization Studies
2007 : VOL. 28:1, p. 71-94
Index terms:strategic management
health service
organization theory
Abstract:This paper revisits the original meaning of turbulence in the socio-ecological (hereafter as: soc-ecol.) tradition of organization studies outlining a perspective (here as: prsp./prsps.) on strategy (as: str.) making. It is argued that while some mainstream str. approaches are important toward addressing advanced turbulence, many others remain bound to the neoclassical (as: neocl.) origins of the str. discipline being insufficiently responsive to the new landscape of str. now characterizing many industries. This new landscape is construed as the 'hyper environment', in which positive feedback processes and emergent field effects produce high volatility. Two case illustrations from the U.S. healthcare sector are used to examine how neocl. and soc-ecol. prsps. contribute to strategizing in 'hyper environments'.
SCIMA record nr: 265231
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