search query: @indexterm Strategic management / total: 1889
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Author:Arino, A.
Ragozzino, R.
Reuer, J.J.
Title:Alliance dynamics for entrepreneurial firms
Journal:Journal of Management Studies
2008 : JAN, VOL. 45:1, p. 147-168
Index terms:small business
strategic management
joint business ventures
Abstract:In implementing strategic alliances (hereafter as: alls.), small firms are thought to run into various difficulties. Because of these problems, they may be less able to reap the benefits of alls. adaptation with the changes occuring in alls. not coinciding with a small firm's interests. The presented evidence on contractual renegotiations (here as: c-renegs.) in alls. suggests that small firms are no more or less likely to adjust their alls.' contracts in general. However, there tend to be inefficiencies of two kinds in small firms' collaborations: 1. they are less likely to adapt alls. in the presence of governance misalignments, and 2. this study's sampled small firms were more prone to make transaction-specific investments, which can stimulate ex-post hold-up in the form of c-renegs.
SCIMA record nr: 271526
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