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Author:Mitchell, V.-W.
Lennard, D.
McGoldrick, P.
Title:Consumer Awareness, Understanding and Usage of Unit Pricing
Journal:British Journal of Management
2003 : JUN, VOL. 14:2, p. 173-187
Index terms:UNIT PRICING
Abstract:The research investigated why consumers do not use unit- price information and found: some consumers do not possess the cognitive ability to process the information and feel unit pricing is too complicated to use; some products are not comparable, which makes unit prices misleading; many shops do not provide unit-price information; unit-price information was felt unnecessary when evaluating products with few or no alternative sizes or brands; unit-price comparisons take too much time; consumers use simpler strategies for getting value for money, e.g. volume discount heuristic, own brands, special offers, % free, reward points, etc. The paper explores policy and retailer implications for unit pricing and examines recommendations for government.
SCIMA record nr: 250349
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