search query: @indexterm FOREIGN INVESTMENT / total: 1949
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Author:Pitelis, C. N.
Title:The sustainable competitive advantage and catching-up of nations: FDI, clusters and the liability (asset) of smallness
Journal:Management International Review
2009 : VOL 49:1 p. 95-120
Index terms:competitiveness
foreign investment
direct investment
cluster analysis
developing countries
Abstract:The study examines the role of foreign direct investment and its relationship to clusters for the competitiveness and catching-up of small developing countries. The lack of micro-foundations in the extant frameworks for competitiveness was noticed and tried to provide. It is recommended that while size of the country does not matter, it is important for small developing countries to take advantage of their size. It was found that small countries have some distinct advantages in planning and implementing the strategies for competitiveness and catching up.
SCIMA record nr: 268700
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