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Author:Brown, W.
Haegler, U.
Title:Financing constraints and inventories
Journal:European Economic Review
2004 : OCT, VOL. 48:5, p. 1091-1123
Index terms:Inventory control
Financial regulation
Corporate finance
Abstract:This article addresses the impact of financing constraints (henceforth as: fin-constrs.) on firm’s inventory and cash management. The empirical regularities, e.g. the excess variance result and counter-cyclicality and persistence of the inventory-sales ratio, and their connection to fin-constrs are being analysed. The findings show that the presence of fin-constrs can explain the excess variance of production in a model otherwise not delivering this result. The fin-constrs also contribute to the counter-cyclicality and persistence of the inventory-sales ratio when demand is positively serially correlated.
SCIMA record nr: 256675
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