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Author:Battisti, G. (et al.)
Title:Inter and intra firm diffusion of ICT in the United Kingdom (UK) and Switzerland (CH): An internationally comparative study based on firm-level data
Journal:Economics of innovation and new technology
2007 : OCT-NOV, VOL. 16:7-8, p. 669-687
Index terms:technological innovation
information technology
electronic commerce
United Kingdom
Freeterms:international comparison
Abstract:This paper aims to, at least partially, compensate a paucity of current literature on the joint analysis of inter and intra (here as: i-and-i.) firm diffusion (as: diff.) of innovations within and across countries, as well. Particularly, by using two data sets derived from independent country-specific surveys, it performs an international comparison of i-and-i. firm diff. of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) usage in the U.K. and Switzerland. Proposed is a model giving quite satisfactory results for both countries. It is found that i-and-i. firm ICT adoption decisions are driven by different factors, confirming the findings of Battisti and Stoneman (2003) and Hollenstein and Woerte (2005). It is also suggested that significant differences exist btw. the U.K. and Switzerland, possibly as a result of their differing diffusion stages etc.
SCIMA record nr: 271618
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