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Author:Razin, A.
Sadka, E.
Swagel, P.
Title:Tax burden and migration: a political economy theory and evidence
Journal:Journal of Public Economics
2002 : AUG, VOL. 85:2, p. 167-190
Index terms:Taxation
Political economy
Abstract:The authors develop in this paper a theory which encompasses the existing literature, and provides a complementary channel linking the tax burden in the presence of migration to the 'fiscal leakage' from native-born to the migrants. In a stylized model of migration and human capital formation, the authors show, somewhat against the conventional wisdom, that low-skill immigration can lead to a lower tax burden and less redistribution than would be tha case with no immigration, even though migrants join the pro-tax/transfer coalition. Data on 11 European countries over period 1974-1992 are consistent with the implications of the theory: a higher share of low-education immigrants in the population leads to alower tax rate on labour income and less generous social transfers.
SCIMA record nr: 234365
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