search query: @indexterm Case Studies / total: 2021
reference: 263 / 2021
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Author:Lim, C.C.
Cooper, C.
Title:Beyond sustainability: optimising island tourism development
Journal:International Journal of Tourism Research
2009 : JAN/FEB, VOL. 11:1, p. 89-103
Index terms:tourist industry
sustainable development
case studies
Freeterms:destination management
Abstract:This paper aims at identifying the current challenges facing the sustainable development (hereafter as: s-d.) of island tourism (here as: i-trsm.) and to develop a new conceptual approach to s-d. based on optimisation. The optimisation process for i-trsm. will be discussed through the new life cycle model  development -  the multifunctional interactive process cycle calibrated based on a set of 15 i-trsm. status indicators. It is also aimed at explaining how a complex and dynamic tourism system can be developed taking a destination towards an optimal sustainable state in order to satisfy the local community and visitors.
SCIMA record nr: 271502
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