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Author:Del Valle, I.
Astorkiza, I.
Astorkiza, K.
Title:Is the current regulation of the VIII division European anchovy optimal?
Journal:Environmental and Resource Economics
2001 : MAY, VOL. 19:1, p. 53-72
Index terms:Fish processing industry
Natural resources
Open economy
Econometric models
European Union
Freeterms:Sole owner
Abstract:This paper sets out to assess the workability of the regulation currently in force in the European anchovy fishery of the VIII division. Particular attention is paid to the importance of the institutional regime in the allocation of natural resources. The authors use a bio-economic approach and take into account the fact that, not only the European Union and the individual countries involved, but also some of the resource users or appropriators intervene in its management.
SCIMA record nr: 224956
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