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Author:Crittenden, V.L.
Wilson, E.J.
Title:Success factors in non-store retailing: exploring the Great Merchants Framework
Journal:Journal of Strategic Marketing
2002 : DEC, VOL. 10:4, p. 255-272
Index terms:Direct selling
Abstract:The basic practice of retailing has undergone remarkable, fundamental changes in the past 20 years. With the rise of non-store retailing (e.g. retailing by person to person, catalogues, telephone, the Internet etc.), coupled with consumers' increased willingness to buy via these alternative channels, traditional brick-and-mortar stores are not necessarily a requirement in today's retailing environment. Given the rather dramatic changes affecting retailing in general, the question of what makes a successful retail establishment is relevant for practitioners and researchers. The purpose of the present study is to explore a strategic process model of retailing success, the Great Merchants Framework, within the context of non-store retailing and in particular direct selling.
SCIMA record nr: 240428
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