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Author:Dany, F.
Guedri, Z.
Hatt, F.
Title:New insights into the link between HRM integration and organizational performance: the moderating role of influence distribution between HRM specialists and line managers
Journal:International journal of human resource management
2008 : NOV, VOL. 19:11, p. 2095-2112
Index terms:human resource management
organizational performance
Freeterms:resource-based view
Abstract:This paper focuses on two key aspects of the organization of human resource management (HRM): 1. the integration (herein as: i-grn.) of HRM and business strategy, and 2. the distribution of roles and influences btw. line managers (LMs) and HRM specialists. It is suggested that HRM i-grn. is a necessary, although not sufficient condition for HRM to positively impact organizational performance (here as: o-perf.). An equally necessary condition is offering HRM specialists a prominent role compared to LMs to ensure the required proper quality of implementation of decided HRM policies. Based on data from the Cranet Survey, a series of structural equation models are employed to test the moderating effect of the HRM/LM relationship on the link btw. HRM strategic i-grn. and o-perf. The empirical findings lead us to call for less emphasis on 'instrumental' approaches to researching HRM, highlighting 'what practices must be implemented?', in favour of an approach examined by HRM the question of 'who is in charge of defining and implementing HRM practices'.
SCIMA record nr: 272041
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