search query: @indexterm brand names / total: 212
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Author:Lerman, D.
Garbarino, E.
Title:Recall and recognition of brand names: a comparison of word and nonword name types
Journal:Psychology & Marketing
2002 : JUL-AUG, VOL. 19:7-8, p. 621-639
Index terms:BRAND NAMES
Abstract:Despite the common recommendation that brand names be memorable, little is known about the effect of brand name type on various forms of memory processing such as recall and recognition. As such, this article extends prior research by comparing recall and recognition for three sets of brand names: words versus nonwords, relevant (i.e., related to product attribute) words, versus irrelevant (i.e., unrelated to a product attribute) words, and relevant words cuing an advertised attribute versus relevant words cuing an unadvertised attribute.
SCIMA record nr: 235159
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