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Author:Sundin, H.
Granlund, M.
Brown, D.A.
Title:Balancing multiple competing objectives with a Balanced Scorecard
Journal:European Accounting Review
2010 : JUN, VOL. 19:2, p. 203-246
Index terms:accounting
balanced scorecard
management accounting
electricity industry
case studies
performance appraisal
Abstract:The study examines how multiple and competing objectives are managed within an organization, and the role that Balanced Scorecard (hereafter as: BSC) plays in balancing organisational objectives. As companies are seen increasingly as more than a source of profit for stakeholders, but rather as 'citizens' playing a broader role in society, the issue of achieving multiple objectives representing the interests of various stakeholders has come to the forefront of the corporate agenda. The paper uses an exploratory case study approach to understand how the BSC is used in management decision and control processes to assist with the balancing of objectives. A state-owned electricity company is used as the case organisation. The results reveal, among others, that the BSC has the potential to help in making trade-offs and balancing objectives, but there are certain requirements for this to succeed. Furthermore, the paper discusses 'balance' in terms of both process and outcomes, and thus provides insights into the issues of balanced strategic management.
SCIMA record nr: 270725
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