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Author:Bean, C.
Title:'The meaning of internal balance' thirty years on
Journal:Economic Journal
2009 : NOV, VOL. 119:541, p. 442-460
Index terms:econometric models
monetary policy
international trade
balance of payments
price level
Abstract:In his Nobel Prize lecture, Meade advocated allocating demand management policies to pursuing price stability, reformed wage-fixing institutions to achieving full employment and foreign exchange policies to maintaining balance of payments equilibrium. Yet, with respect to the first, he vindicated a target for nominal income rather than the price level. This article explores Meade's programme with the benefit of hindsight and experience with inflation targets. Also discussed are some issues related with the application of flexible inflation targets, and the extent to which financial stability considerations ought to affect the conduct of monetary policy, as well.
SCIMA record nr: 271652
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