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Author:Yi, Mingyu
Zhan, Hesheng
Title:The trend of the changes of China's commodity circulating pattern (original in Chinese)
Journal:Economics Information (c)
1999 : 3, p.14-17
Index terms:TRADE
Abstract:In China's traditional commodity circulating pattern, the circulation trade is divided into the materials circulation trade and the commercial trade. But the modern future commodity circulation pattern will be the combination of the two, during which are circulation service trade will be comparatively perfect and the financial organs mainly the banks will strengthen their service functions in production, circulation and consumption. In order to establish standard market system for the commodity circulation, the reform should be concentrated on laws and regulations, policies, integrated large market establishment, self-development of circulation enterprises. We should also deal effectively with the relations among commodity circulation, capital circulation and human capital circulation.
SCIMA record nr: 208889
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