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Author:Morgan, R.E.
Berthon, P.
Title:Market orientation, generative learning, innovation strategy and business performance inter-relationships in bioscience firms
Journal:Journal of Management Studies
2008 : DEC, VOL. 45:8, p. 1329-1353
Index terms:marketing strategy
market orientation
technological innovation
organizational learning
bio-technology industry
United Kingdom
Freeterms:business performance
Abstract:Conceptual arguments are introduced in order to establish relationships btw. market orientation and generative learning with their respective impact on exploitative and explorative innovation strategies (henceforth as: inn-str/s). An ambidextrous association btw. both forms of inn-str/s. and business performance is considered. Using data from 160 bioscience firms in the United Kingdom (U.K.), the model is empirically tested. Through structural equation modelling, two mutually exclusive paths are specified with market orientation leading to exploitative inn-str., while generative learning is leading to explorative inn-str. It is found that the ambidexterity exposed by firms in the form of exploitative inn-str. and explorative inn-str. significantly explains improvements in firms' business performance.
SCIMA record nr: 271751
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