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Author:Kendall, T.D.
Title:An empirical analysis of political activity in Hollywood
Journal:Journal of Cultural Economics
2009 : VOL. 33:1, p. 19-47
Index terms:film industry
political systems
Abstract:In America, film plays an important role in the political system and it forms an important branch of the mass media. This article analyzes the political contributions of a sample of 996 film actors, producers and writers, correlating them with demographic, family and career success variables. The study reveals that contributions flow overwhelmingly to left-of-center parties and organizations. In this article, it is argued that while demographic variables are not completely irrelevant, Hollywood liberalism is primarily a function of high, publicly visible incomes and family connections. Religion and birthplace do not seem to affect political activity in the film business.
SCIMA record nr: 270350
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