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Author:Grewal, R. (et al.)
Title:Using cointegration analysis for modeling marketing interactions in dynamic environments: methodological issues and an empirical illustration
Journal:Journal of Business Research
2001 : FEB, VOL. 51:2, p. 127-144
Index terms:Cointegration
Pharmaceutical industry
Marketing research
Dynamic models
Abstract:The authors argue that cointegration analysis is an intriguiting development for analyzing marketing interactions in dynamic environments. The use of cointegration analysis requires statistical tests to determine whether this technique is appropriate for the system under investtigation and, if it is apprpriate, other statistical tests are needed to interpret the results. The authors collate a set of statistical tests and techniques to advance a comprehensive methodological framework that utilizes cointegration anakysis to examine marketing interactions in dynamic environments. They illustrate the utility of the framework for the famous case of Lydia Pinkham Medicine Company.
SCIMA record nr: 222308
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