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Author:Autant-Bernard, C.
Mangematin, V.
Massard, N.
Title:Creation of biotech SMEs in France
Journal:Small business economics
2006 : MAR, VOL. 26:2, p. 173-187
Index terms:bio-technology industry
high technology
new enterprise
regional development
regional policy
knowledge spillovers
Abstract:This paper examines the determinants of the creation of high tech SMEs at a regional level. Relations btw. the scientific and technical profile of a region, the size of the local market for biotechnology (here as: bio-tech) products and services, and economic development are explored in the French bio-tech industry during the 1990s. Based on empirical analysis, it is shown among others that a high level of scientific activity within a region is necessary to sustain a continuous flow of new business creation.
SCIMA record nr: 260392
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