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Author:Zhang, Bowei
Title:Analysis of the benefit of China in its unilateral action plan in the course of APEC trade liberalization (original in Chinese)
Journal:Nankai Economic Studies (c)
1999 : 3, p.50-54
Index terms:FREE TRADE
Abstract:The conclusions drawn from the analog result of CGE model are: since China's manufacturing industries have great demand for the intermediate input of imported goods, we should not only reduce tariff but at the same time try to promote exports. Meanwhile, we must carry out appropriate industrial policies and increase the proportion of domestically-made intermediate input products. We must adopt effective measures to protect China's auto industry. It is not feasible to keep 7 per cent economic growth rate only by adjusting trade policies. We must optimize the industrial structure, make technical innovations on a big scale, promote productive efficiency and international competitiveness of China's enterprises.
SCIMA record nr: 209039
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