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Author:Li, Wenbo
Title:On two kinds of theoretical logical premisses of economic analysis (original in Chinese)
Journal:Economist (c)
1998 : 4, p.4-9
Index terms:ECONOMICS
Abstract:The traditional socialist political economy takes collectivism as its theoretical logical premiss. The practice has proved that it is invalid. The theoretical logical premiss of new classical economics, which is, in essence, the theory of material interest, stressing personal "possessionism" or personal economism can not explain many economic facts either. The hypothesis of replacing personal material interest by personal utility maximisation leads to a major contradition in the theoretical logic of new classical economics. Developing modern economics under the background of socialist market economy needs a new theoretical logical premiss, that is, the theory of interest structure stressing personal "developmentalism" or personal liberalism.
SCIMA record nr: 182538
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