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Author:Schaefer, H.
Title:Ethical investment of German non-profit organizations - conceptual outline and empirical results
Journal:Business Ethics
2004 : OCT, VOL. 13:4, p. 269-287
Index terms:Business ethics
Financial management
Asset management
Non-profit organizations
Abstract:This article presents the main results of an empirical study analyzing the asset management of non-profit organizations (hereafter as: n-p-orgs.) in Germany with respect to ecological, social and ethical objectives. The results of the survey show that German n-p-orgs. are increasingly integrating ethical (e.g. ecological) and/or social investment criteria, and show a significant demand-related potential for the development of ethically orientated forms of investment. Furthermore, the prevailing conditions seem positive: as ecological and social changes intensify, ethical and socially responsible investments show real growth potential. As a result, consistency and decisiveness of organizational mission, both in performance and financial terms, can strengthen the credibility of the organization.
SCIMA record nr: 256863
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