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Author:Hargie, O.
Stapleton, K.
Tourish, D.
Title:Interpretations of CEO public apologies for the banking crisis: attributions of blame and avoidance of responsibility
2010 : NOV, VOL. 17:6, p. 721-742
Index terms:accountability
crisis management
Freeterms:public apologies
Abstract:This article examines the public testimony of four banking CEOs to the Banking Crisis Inquiry of the Treasury Committee of the UK House of Commons in 2009. With the use of a discursive and interpretive approach, the article explores how they attributed responsibility and blame for the crisis with public apologies. A number of taxonomies of apology are applied to provide an interpretive framework for the analysis. The conclusion is that the CEO discourse is characterized by expressions of regret, attempts to adduce alignment with others affected by the crisis and dissociation from the events being scrutinized, in order to avoid direct blame for the crisis. The discourse studied is characterized as an example of apology avoidance, and the limitations on apology which CEOs feel they face are considered.
SCIMA record nr: 275509
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