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Author:Benaroch, M.
Title:Managing Information Technology Investment Risk: A Real Options Perspective
Journal:Journal of Management Information Systems
2002 : FALL, VOL. 19:2, p. 43-84
Abstract:Past information systems research on real options has focused mainly on evaluating information technology (IT) investments that embed a single, a priori known option (such as, deferral option, prototype option). In other words, only once a specific isolated option is identified as being embedded in a target IT investment, does this research call upon using real options analysis to evaluate the option. In effect, however, because real options are not inherent in any IT investment, they usually must be planned and intentionally embedded in a target IT investment in order to control various investment-specific risks, just like financial risk management uses carefully chosen options to actively manage investment risks.
SCIMA record nr: 246237
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