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Author:Galanaki, E.
Bourantas, D.
Papalexandris, N.
Title:A decision model for outsourcing training functions: distinguishing between generic and firm-job-specific training content
Journal:International journal of human resource management
2008 : DEC, VOL. 19:12, p. 2332-2351
Index terms:training
decision models
core competence
transaction costs
Abstract:This study attempts to illustrate and propose a decision model for the factors that shape the extent and the expected benefits from outsourcing training services. The study extracts two decision models with structural equation modelling. The paper discusses asset specificity, market availability, in-house development of training and firm size. A distinction is made between generic training and job- or company- specific training. It is suggested that the factors shaping the perceived benefits from outsourcing and the decision of outsourcing are different for the two types of training, but for both types of training service, the expected quality benefits, not cost ones, induce companies to outsource training.
SCIMA record nr: 268480
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