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Author:Siefert, C. (et al.)
Title:Biometric and eye-tracking insights into the efficiency of information processing of television advertising during fast-forward viewing
Journal:International Journal of Advertising
2008 : VOL. 27:3, p. 425-446
Index terms:USA
television advertising
Freeterms:information processing
Abstract:This study is designed to increase understanding of information processing among digital video recorder (DVR) users by directly examining viewers' biometric responses, eyegaze patterns and memory for ads viewed entirely in fast-forward (FF) mode compared with viewers watching the same ads in real time (here as: r-t.). It is found that, compared with a control group of r-t. viewers, viewers recalled the same ads viewed in FF at significantly higher rates than expected etc. ... Eye-tracking data show the DVR viewer group to spend significantly more time with their eyes on screen, more time looking at the centre of the screen etc. Finally, there are significantly higher levels of biometric response, an indicator of emotional processing, suggesting that viewers are in a 'hyper-alert' state during FF viewing etc.
SCIMA record nr: 268754
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