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Author:Lenzen, M.
Title:Double-counting in life cycle calculations
Journal:Journal of industrial ecology
2008 : AUG, VOL. 12:4, p. 583-599
Index terms:consumers
decision making
environmental policy
input-output analysis
life cycles
Abstract:When calculating life cycles to examine environmental burdens the full supply chain of producer items is often accounted for and thus effects double-counted when results of separate studies are added up and referenced or compared to totals. Although this double-counting is inconsequential if analyses are appraised in isolation without reference to national totals, it leads to serious errors when large interconnected systems are analyzed or when results are placed into wider contexts. This article lists numerous prominent policy and decision making frameworks that make use of life cycle techniques, where this double-counting error is highly undesirable.
SCIMA record nr: 272107
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