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Author:Wiersema, M.
Title:Holes at the top: Why CEO firings backfire
Journal:Harvard Business Review
2002 : DEC, VOL. 80:12, p. 70-77
Index terms:Human resource management
Chief executive officers
Board of directors
Abstract:For better or worse, investors now view chief executives as the primary determinant of corporate performance. The reality is, however, that most companies do not perform better after they dismiss their CEOs than they did in the years leading up to the dismissals. The blame for such poor results lies squarely with boards of directors. Boards often lack the strategic understanding of the business necessary to give due diligence to choosing a replacement CEO. Concern over restoring investor confidence quickly, rather than doing what is right for the company, drives the selection process. A good board can make a CEO replacement pay off if its members first develop a better understanding of the business context.
SCIMA record nr: 241993
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