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Author:Maznevski, M. L.
Athanassiou, N. A.
Title:Guest editors' introduction to the focused issue: a new direction for global teams research
Journal:Management International Review
2007 : VOL. 46:6, p.631-645
Index terms:research
Freeterms:global teams
Abstract:Research on teams has traditionally looked at observable demographics, generic processes within teams, and outcomes of those processes. Most research on global teams has extended this view to look at the same dynamics in teams in a multinational context. When researchers think of a "team", they tend to assume something relatively stable and contiguous with a specific purpose that requires interdependence. But when today's managers in multinational organizations think of their teams, they see shifting membership and boundaries, embedded in multiple organizational and environmental contexts, with dynamic tasks. This focused issue on global teams looks at global teams from different perspectives, building a more comprehensive view of today's teams in multinational organizations.
SCIMA record nr: 264600
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