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Author:Petrucci, A.
Phelps, E.S.
Title:Two-sector perspectives on the effects of payroll tax cuts and their financing
Journal:Journal of Public Economics
2009 : FEB, VOL. 93:1-2, p. 176-190
Index terms:labour supply
Abstract:This article examines the consequences of lifting from labor some of the burden of taxation in a life-cycle two-sector setup where a consumption good is produced alongside a capital good. This study analyzes the implications of alternative ways of financing payroll tax cuts in closed and small-open neoclassical economies. Tax cuts do not necessarily stimulate hours worked in the stationary state. It is shown that in the closed economy long-run aggregate labor hours and the capital stock will be reduced if labor tax proceeds are replaced by capital taxation. Manhours are left unchanged in the long-run, while capital information is spurred if government purchases of the capital good are decreased. In the small-open economy it is only if the offsets are a fall in entitlement spending or a rise in the wealth tax that aggregate manhours are increased.
SCIMA record nr: 270975
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