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Author:Piekkari, R.
Welch, C.
Title:The human dimension in multinational management: A way forward
Journal:Scandinavian Journal of Management
2010 : DEC, VOL. 26:4, p. 467-476
Index terms:multinational companies
human relations
academic research
qualitative research
Freeterms:critical perspective
Abstract:The focus of multinational management research has been on strategising in this complex organisation rather than operating in it. This paper argues that taking the human dimension seriously has far-reaching implications for conceptualising and researching this organization. This has value for both describing and also for explaining the way in which the multinational operates. It is compared how the human dimension, especially language, is treated by four theoretical perspectives: i. the design, ii. the network, iii. the institutional and iv. the critical perspectives. While advocating a critical perspective on the multinational to take the field forward, it is noted how the other approaches could also be enriched by incorporating the human dimension.
SCIMA record nr: 272599
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