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Author:Woo, C. Y.
Willard, G. E.
Beckstead, S. M.
Title:Spin-offs : what are the gains?
Journal:Journal of Business Strategy
1989 : MAR-APR, VOL. 10:2, p. 29-32
Index terms:DIVESTMENT
Abstract:Under the less stringent, antiregulatory climate of this decade, a lot of American corporations initiate major restructuring programs leading to sell-offs, spin-offs and leveraged buyouts. The primary motivation behind these divestitures is to improve competitive position, enhance managerial efficiency, and enhance the firm's economic value in capital markets. It is analysed why the spin-offs are more likely to experience performance gains than related spin-offs. Small spin-offs show significantly outperformed large spin-offs. It is suggested that a great measure of caution in evaluating candidates for divestiture and spin-offs is necessary. Benefits to spin-offs may exist, but they are accompanied by major organizational adjustments.
SCIMA record nr: 65180
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