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Author:Zwerink, R. (et al.)
Title:Cost management and cross-functional communication through product architectures
Journal:R & D Management
2007 : JAN, VOL. 37:1, p. 49-64
Index terms:product design
cost accounting
team work
case studies
international business
Abstract:Product architecture (hereafter as: pd-arch.) decisions on, e.g. product modularity or design re-use, are important for balancing costs, responsiveness, quality, and other business objectives. This paper presents a qualitative approach for systematically evaluating the pd-arch. of a product family (here as. pd-fmly.), comparing the original pd-arch. objectives and actual experiences. The intended contribution is threefold: 1. to present a framework bringing together a diverse set of pd-arch.-related decisions and business performance, 2. to provide a set of metrics operationalizing the framework variables, and 3. to provide a workshop protocol based on the framework and the metrics. The workshop aims at improving cross-functional communication about the pd-arch. of an existing pd-fmly., resulting in practical improvement actions for future pd-arch. design projects. Experiences with this approach are reported in pilots with Philips Corp.
SCIMA record nr: 266090
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